Reliant Logistics Institute



We provide International certifications in Logistics, Supply Chain and Shipping Management for our Diploma, PG Diploma and certification courses.

Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (CILT)

The leading professional body for everyone who works in Supply Chain, Logistics and Transport, aims at providing knowledge and insights needed in the modern world where Logistics and transport skills matter.

CILT UK partner – CILT was established in 1919 and has been expanding their significance in the global economy in the logistics and shipping industry ever since.

With over 33,000 members in over hundred countries worldwide, CILT holds an unparalleled, professional and International recognition. Having received its Royal Charter in 1926, the institute has an exciting history behind it adapting to stay consistent with current Logistics and Transport issues. 

The main objective of the Institute is “to promote and encourage the art and science of Logistics and Transport ” is the institute’s primary goal. It is accomplished through value-added memberships, dedicated staff and their exemplary educational qualifications.

The institute’s professional approach helps not only the people from the industry but also the those who wish to enter into this field. It is represented worldwide, along with other organizations which work towards institute’s primary goal.

CILT Certificate

The CILT (UK) is the best organisation for Logistics and Transport professionals, serving on Land, sea and air. The CILT (UK) provides the knowledge, networks and know-how for specific and collective success; it is the essential professional body for skilled leaders and organisations that build, manage and operate logistics, transport and supply chain capabilities. CILT guides us to keep up  the professional standards and act as the means to solve problems through collaboration and collective effort with members across the world. The CILT (UK) champions the three pillars of transformational leadership: being general, promoting diversity of thought and embracing the challenge


Internationally Accredited

Project Oriented Training

ISO 9001:2008 Certified

Hostel Facility

On the Job Training


100% Job Oriented

Excellent Placement Track Record

Well-equipped labs and state of the art facilities

Limited Seats ...Hurry Up!!
Limited Seats ...Hurry Up!!