A characteristic feature of information systems in logistics is the presence of feedback. The totality of the value system of logistics management and system of collection, transfer, storage and processing of information form a “closed loop”. For example, information about the current number of sales and clientele is used to make logistical decisions about changing the volume, range and quality of manufactured and supplied products, which leads to the expansion and in general to change the terms of clientele and sales levels. In logistics, adjustable parameters are certain characteristics of different material streams: input, midway and output Information gathering can be performed at different points in the overall material flow and logistics control solutions may affect its various points. Thus, there may be local data paths, and all the logistics information system is generally a multi-loop. 46 Organization of the entire production and sales activities determines the point of gathering information and applications developed based on this information, logistics control actions. This determines the structure of the information system and its decomposition into subsystems forming local data paths. Information systems in logistics, like any feedback system, characterized by quantitative indicators such as the magnitude of the delay and the degree of enhancement. Delay in the adoption of logistics solutions in comparison with the receipt of the information that led to these decisions may be different in scope and occur in different places of material flow. Typically, the delay in the production and sales activities constitute week. Per unit of measurement take a week. Thus, average transport time is one week, the delay accounting operations – three weeks post lag – half a week, the delay from wholesalers and various distribution points – an average of one week. Finally, the time between the decision to change in the production and the achievement of the respective values of the material flow at the outlet of the production unit is an average of six weeks. Making decisions determining the information provided may submit a simple reaction to fluctuations in material flow with respect to one or between two levels. The length may determine it and detail developed and formalized chain of calculations. In all cases, a role-played by intuition, personal qualities and talent of the person or persons making decisions Based on the information received, the person, decision-makers should provide quality logistics management. Under the influence of logistics management of the supply, the system should move from one steady state to determine the conditions surrounding the economic environment in the new state corresponding occurred in this environment changes. Such a transition should occur in compliance with the required 47 quality. Centralized information system makes it possible to control the various reserves and operational management of relationships and interchangeable units engaged in mutual deliveries. Others by providing logistical management of prompt and adequate information are widely used and the use of computer technology, the devices of the primary data collection and data entry, local area networks, visualization and documentation of information and Internet networks. For building integrated computerized information systems requires appropriate hardware, software and linguistic support. Typically, modern computer means forming an integral information system are combined using the hierarchical principle in LANs. These networks can be combined in a multi-level complex network structure.