Time-Based competition is intensifying. Delays caused to the ship and its cargo cost a lot to everyone in the supply chain. The inventive use of information technology (IT) will create a benefit equivalent to that of containerization Information technology, especially Internet-based systems, are increasingly being employed in all transport services. As shoppers become more attuned to Maximum usage of sophisticated supply chain management may cause the ports to face both opportunities and threats. IT has brought about a change in the outlook of the ship owners thus making them valued-added logistics service providers. Increased usage of electronics will increase the demand for shipping services by increasing trade volume in general. Most of the Shipbrokers and other intermediaries become a part of the changes, by submitting one-stop freight services, includes providing ocean carriages, port handling, storage, insurance and inland transportation. Ship owners and their suppliers also may soon use the Internet for innovative ideas such as bunker auctions, ship inspections using electronically transmitted data and Internet-based classification society records. The leading area for shipping-related information technology is in ports, especially in terminal operating systems and intra-port communications. A data communication system can handle customs filings, transmittal of manifests, and processing of bills of lading and other documents. The growing use of information processing has brought about a change in the shipping and port industry. The use of e-commerce in ports will increase the efficiency of international trade. Ports are of crucial importance to many countries, as they constitute a critical node in the transport chain linking international transport assistance with regional transport services. The introduction of IT in cargo booking, tracking, clearance and delivery by major shipping lines, as well as in customs clearance, all ports must have to become efficient interfaces for shipping services in a world that are connected with logistics chains. With more changes in the trade arrangements between countries, world trade is expected to continue its rapid growth, thus making the world’s economies more and more interdependent. It is a known fact that ports play a critical role in their countries’ trade growth. There has been a change in the number of ports that have taken steps to improve the quality of their customs services and to give primary transport and communications infrastructure in order to receive the benefits of e-commerce. Information technology, especially Internet-based systems, can be used effectively to
streamline and enhance supply chain processes, enhance cooperation between carriers and customers by providing instant communications, and remove any kind of procedures and regulations. A variety of strategies and policies have been implemented by several countries to develop their information infrastructures. The information systems at the port have now become integrated logistics information systems through interconnected works with other logistics-related information systems.