An Inland Port could be a physical site located from ancient land, air and coastal borders with the vision to facilitate international trade through strategic investment in multi-modal transportation assets and by promoting added services as product move through the availability chain”. The term inland port is additionally employed in a similar sense within the field of transportation systems to mean a rather a lot of specialized facility that has present itself with the appearance of the shipping instrumentation in international transport. Instead of product being loaded and dud in such ports, shipping containers will simply be transferred between ship and road vehicle or ship and train. The instrumentation is also transferred once more between road and rail elsewhere and also the product square measure solely loaded or dud at their purpose of origin or final destination. Shipping containers enable some functions historically disbursed at a harbour to be captive elsewhere. Examples are the functions of receiving, process through customs, inspecting, sorting, and consolidating containers aiming to constant overseas port. The Container transfer at the port have become faster and container handling have been reduced by transferring functions to an inland site far away from the port and coast. Distribution may additionally be created a lot of economical by putting in place the link between landlocked site and port as, say, a high-capacity rail link with a lower cost than causation containers severally by road. The containers square measure still collected from their origins or distributed to their final destinations by road with the transfer happening at the landlocked web site. An inland Port is simply such an inland joined to a port. This sort of inland port doesn’t need a waterway. it’s typically written with initial capitals to point a distinction to the common usage. Key options of an inland Port square are the transfer of containers between totally different modes of transportation (intermodal transfer) and also the process of international trade. This differentiates an inland port from a instrumentation depot or transport hub. The ports sector in India is split into “Major Ports” and “Non-Major Ports” (minor) ports that square measure underneath the jurisdiction of Central Government and State Governments severally. The legal framework governing the arena contains the Indian Ports Act of 1908 and also the Major Port Trusts Act of 1963. Major Ports that underneath Central jurisdiction square measure ruled by policy and directives of the Ministry of Shipping of the Govt of India. Minor Ports square measure underneath the State Governments’ jurisdiction and square measure ruled by policy and directives of various State Governments’ nodal departments/agencies. India has twelve major ports (the thirteenth one has been proclaimed to be in Port Tony Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and Indian Ocean) and around two hundred non-major ports (including minor, intermediate and captive ports) square measure set across 9 maritime States. Of the non-major ports, around sixty six square measure part or absolutely operational and these square measure chiefly within the States of Gujarat, province, Goa, and geographical area. Most of the most important ports (except Ennore, that could be a corporation in hand by the Govt. of India and Chennai Port Trust) square measure trusts whereas the minor ports square measure company entities, usually special purpose vehicles (SPVs). in keeping with the Report of the Ministry of Shipping management courses in kerala, free in Dec 2010, the capability of major ports has accumulated from 574.77 million tonnes as on thirty one March, 2009 to 616.73 million tonnes as on thirty one March, 2010. Throughout the year 2009-2010, thirteen PPP projects were awarded at the most important ports envisaging a quantity of Rs. 2653.77 billion and a capability of sixty five.65 MTPA. Additionally, six PPP projects have thus far been awarded within the current year, since Apr until Dec 2010. The year additionally saw the trend of non-major ports obtaining nearer to major ports in capacities and consignment handling. The Mundra Port in Gujarat has recently commissioned 3 berths having a combined sixty million tonnes capability (or one hundred 000 tonnes per day) for coal handling. Since the country’s shipping duty crossed the 10 million GT mark, the demand on capacities of ports is probably going to extend more with economic process.