Reliant Logistics Institute

What you mean by the term logistics ?


The term “logistics” is having the right thing, at the right place, at the right time. According to NATO “Logistics is the science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces.” It is of vital importance for any military operation and, without it, operations could not be carried out and sustained. Logistics is the bridge between deployed forces and the industrial base, which produces the material and weapons deployed forces need to accomplish their mission.

Logistics covers the different areas which are subdivided into three domains:

Production logistics,

In-service logistics and

Consumer logistics.

This could be further explained as

Production logistics

Production logistics, which is also known as acquisition logistics, belongs to the industrial domain. It is all about planning, design, development and procurement of equipment and includes: standardization and interoperability, contracting, quality assurance, acquiring spares, reliability and maintainability analysis, safety standards for equipment, specifications and production processes, trials and testing, codification, equipment documentation, and configuration control and modifications.

In-service logistics

In-service logistics is to bridge the gap between production and consumer logistics. The functions are associated with procuring, receiving, storing, distributing and disposing of material that is required to maintain military equipment and supply forces. Beyond ensuring that weapons systems are available and fit for use, in-service support actually begins with the decision to bring the system into the inventory.

Consumer logistics

Consumer logistics, which is also known as operational logistics, is concerned with the supply and support functions of forces. This includes reception of the initial product, storage, transport, maintenance, operation and disposal of material. Consumer Logistics majorly consists of having stock control, facilities construction,movement and control, reliability and about defect reporting, storage safety standards, training related to transport and handling.


NATO is responsible for a number of functions. There responsibilities in the field of logistics is through the core functions they fulfil. This function comprises of:


Supply covers material and items which are used in the equipment, support, and maintenance of military forces. It includes the determination of stock levels, provisioning, distribution and replenishment.


Maintenance refers to actions like repair, to retain the material or restore it to a specified condition. The operational readiness will depend to a great extent on a high standard of preventive maintenance.

Movement and transportation

A flexible capability if required for movement of forces in a timely manner within or between theatres. Also it includes logistic support necessary to mount and sustain operations.

Infrastructure engineering for logistics

Infrastructure engineering always works with close coordination with logistics for better communication and construction of support facilities. Overall, the engineering mission bridges the gap from logistics colleges in kerala to operations and is closely related to the ultimate success of both.

Medical support

Medical support plays a vital role in force protection. It is considered a morale booster and a potential force multiplier.

Enabling functions

In addition to the core functions, there are enabling functions, including:

Logistic information management

Reception, staging and onward movement


Host nation support


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